Your window blinds are dusty and discolored. Effortlessly get it clean like new again.

Dealing With Discoloration
Discoloration can be a more stubborn problem, often requiring a bit more effort to reverse.

Sunlight-induced Fading: For blinds that have faded due to sunlight, a restoration or spray paint made specifically for the type of blinds you have can work wonders.

Stains or Yellowing: For stains, mix a small amount of bleach with water (for plastic and metal blinds only) and gently dab on the affected areas. Rinse thoroughly after application to avoid additional damage.

Consistent Color Maintenance: If your blinds have only slightly discolored, using a fabric spray designed to enhance and protect the color can be a good ongoing maintenance solution.

Yearly Deep Clean
At least once a year, give your blinds a deep clean. For most types, this will involve:

Removing them from the window.

Placing them in a bathtub filled with warm soapy water. For wood or other sensitive materials, use appropriate cleaners as mentioned previously.

Gently scrubbing them with a soft brush or cloth.

Rinsing thoroughly and drying completely before rehanging.

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