This spontaneous plant grows everywhere and is a concentration of properties and benefits

Portulaca oleracea , more commonly known as portulaca and in a myriad of Italian dialects, is a plant rich in properties for our health. It is good for the skin, has excellent benefits for the digestive system and urinary tract, is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants: below we list its benefits.

The plant has oval-shaped leaves, grows everywhere in Italy and only in recent years have its excellent properties been appreciated . In some cases, it is even planted specifically to be commercialized. Rich in mucilage, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, carotenes, magnesium, calcium and potassium, and has a great antioxidant action.

It can cure skin diseases by preparing an infusion with its leaves to apply on wounds, ulcers, eczema and other skin problems. The plant heals damaged tissues, and nourishes the skin.

Furthermore, it is possible to drink its infusion to treat liver and digestive problems, thanks to its diuretic and stimulating actions. However, both its concentration and consumption must be moderated: it is a plant rich in alkaloids.

Purslane is also used to treat diarrhea, vomiting, acute enteritis, hemorrhoids, and postpartum hemorrhages. Applied to the skin, it can relieve boils, bee stings, and eczema.

Below we list the main benefits of purslane :

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