The apple in the oven trick to say goodbye to unpleasant smells

How to use an apple in the oven to eliminate bad odors?

One of the appliances we use most at home is the oven. It often happens, however, that we cook foods and ingredients that are a little too “smelling” and tend to leave a bad smell in the oven. Sure, maybe we clean the oven immediately after , but that smell doesn’t want to come away.

Which is not good: not only could the smell from the oven spread to the rest of the kitchen and the house , but also the next dishes we are going to put in the oven could take on a less than pleasant scent.

Since after using the oven it is good practice to leave it open for a while to air it, this is where the apple in the oven trick comes into play. Take an apple , cut it into slices and place it on a baking tray lined with baking paper.

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