Our top tips for keeping your kettle sparkling clean.

Have you been using your kettle for a few months and it has never occurred to you to clean it? This is because your device is full of white spots that can alter the taste of your hot drinks.

Why don’t you decide to clean your teapot? It is a very simple cleaning process and you can also use several grandma’s tricks to restore the shine to your device.

To prepare coffee or tea, we usually heat water. It is not necessary to turn on the kettle as it is the perfect device to heat water in a short time.

However, over time, scale and residue can build up on the interior walls of the kettle, making it appear opaque and translucent.

If you do not clean your device, limescale and deposits can compromise its operation and increase energy consumption. It also affects the taste of your favorite hot drinks.

That’s why experts recommend washing the kettle regularly. More precisely every two weeks or once a month. Below are some traditional methods to restore your kettle to its former glory.

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