Mold and limescale in the shower cabin, 3 kitchen ingredients will eliminate it all

With the help of just three ingredients you can say goodbye to the lime and mold that covers your shower cabin. They are ingredients that we all have at home.

The presence of lime and mold in the shower cabin is a very annoying problem. Limescale seems to be a constant: if it seems that we have eliminated it after a deep cleaning session, the next day we will find it there again. Although this presence is so unsightly and annoying, we do not have to worry or wonder if there is something wrong with our bathroom. Lime and mold are elements that appear in very humid environments and in continuous contact with water. The shower is precisely one of those environments conducive to its appearance.

We spend a lot of time looking for solutions or products that promise miracles ; We spend a lot of money looking for the perfect product. Wasted money, useless remedies and environmental damage: this is the result if we rely on commercial products. You will be surprised to discover that the real solution is very simple and you have always had it on hand: you will only need two products that we all have at home. Use them this way and you will see the change.

Eliminates mold and limescale with three natural ingredients

The shower cabin is made up of several elements to take into account when carrying out a deep cleaning. We must not forget the shower sprayer, the glass in the drawer, the joints between the tiles, the tiles. Cleaning these items has a common denominator: three natural products that we all have in our pantry. It involves lemon, white wine vinegar and baking soda. Sometimes the solution is simpler than you think! Let’s see how to use them to obtain optimal results.

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