Mix banana, honey and water: your cough and bronchitis will disappear

If your child suffers from a sore throat and cough, you should definitely try making this wonderful remedy! It is particularly effective in children, but it is also beneficial for adults.

In addition to being very effective against coughs and bronchitis, the recipe that we are going to share with you today is so appetizing that you may become totally addicted.

2 tablespoons of organic honey.
2 organic bananas.
400 ml of water.
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Peel the bananas and mash them using a fork.
In a saucepan, boil the water and add your bananas.
Mix for a few moments, then remove your pan from the heat, and let cool for around thirty minutes.
Add the honey and mix until you obtain a homogeneous cream.
Take approximately 100 ml of this mixture 4 times a day.



Les femmes enceintes ou allaitantes et les personnes qui suivent un traitement médical particulier ne doivent pas essayer cette recette avant de demander l’avis d’un médecin.
Si vos symptômes persistent, il est fortement recommandé de consulter un spécialiste afin de déceler les causes réelles de votre maladie, et bénéficier d’un traitement adapté à votre cas.

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