How to repair a leather or imitation leather bag and leave it like new

Bags   are a very important part of our daily look. In addition to being very comfortable, they are the perfect complement to any outfit, so much so that they are a true obsession for many people.

Leather or imitation leather bags   are undoubtedly among the most elegant, but they only have one defect: over time they tend   to “peel”, stain or fall apart   , creating a truly unsightly effect that often leads us to throw them away.

However, nothing is lost, and with the right advice it is possible to recover   a damaged leather or imitation leather bag and   give it a new look.

Fix a bag with dish soap and an eraser

Dish soap is perfect for removing stains from leather or synthetic bags that are falling apart or peeling. The eraser (strictly white) is useful for repairing dedicated materials, as it helps to glue and hide cuts and cracks.

Put on gloves and mix 250 ml of water with 5 ml of dish soap.

Dip a clean toothbrush into the solution, then gently scrub the surface. of the bag, emphasizing the scratched areas.

Use a clean, soft cloth (lint-free) to remove soap from the bag.

Apply a white eraser to any cracks and peeling areas of the bag. Use a brush to apply the eraser to damaged surfaces.

Let the rubber dry, then paint the stains with a shoe and bag polish (pay attention to the color choice). Apply the varnish carefully and using a toothbrush.

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