How to have a scented bathroom with zero lime: you have to spray this mixture

You just have to  mix these three ingredients in a container  and then pour them into a nebulizer. Start by simply rinsing the fixtures with water and then  spray this product on the bottom of the toilet and on the walls of the toilet.

Leave  the product on for at least 5 hours, then start scrubbing with a clean toilet brush to remove limescale. Flush the toilet and enjoy the final result: you will see that  your bathroom furniture will not only be scented but also white and shiny.

Limescale will eventually be just a bad memory  . You can use this solution not only for bathroom accessories, but also to  clean and scent showers and sinks  . Vinegar is a  natural product that disinfects, cleans and deodorizes.

Effective ingredients for a clean and scented bathroom

Fabric softener also has deodorizing properties  and when poured into the toilet tank,  helps remove limescale  . The same goes for  coarse salt,  which is a  natural descaler  , useful for removing limescale not only from the toilet but also from the washing machine or electric kettles.

As you can see, it is possible to have  a clean bathroom with zero limescale  (and not only that), simply using  ingredients  that you can obtain extremely easily and with minimal effort.

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