How do you clean dryers and remove dirt even in the cracks?

How to  clean  dryers  and remove dirt from the cracks.  In winter and rainy seasons, clothes need time to dry. Fortunately, there is a mobile and effective way to solve this problem:  the clothesline that can be installed in the bathroom, protected from the rain.

It must always be clean so as not to dirty the previously washed fabrics spread there. Therefore, it is important to clean it systematically to remove any dirt.

How do you clean dryers and remove dirt even in the cracks?

Cleaning takes place depending on the type of clothes rack:

For the one made of iron

In a bowl filled with hot water, pour a glass of  white alcohol vinegar  .  Dip a towel in it and wipe the rope dry.  If dirt becomes more entrenched, use a non-abrasive sponge and gently clean.

The ingredient used here is perfect for removing dirt and giving the item more shine and cleanliness.

For the plastic part

Over time, this material yellows and blackens  . To get the rope looking new again,  make a thick paste of baking soda  and  water  . Once the mixture is homogeneous,  pour it onto a cloth or sponge and rub gently  . Finally rinse.

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