Growing Mango at home is very simple: discover the quick method with us!

Obtaining the Mango Seed:

When preparing a mango to eat, we typically overlook the seed. However, when aiming to grow a mango plant, it’s crucial to handle the seed with care.

  1. If the fruit is very ripe, make an incision along the entire perimeter without touching the stone. Rotate the two halves to release the seed.
  2. If the pulp is firmer, make slices while avoiding contact with the stone, releasing it gradually.
  3. Extract the seed, taking care not to damage it. There’s usually a slit on the external part; start from there to open and extract the intact internal pulp.

Treating the Seed for Plant Growth:

Once you have the mango seed, wrap it gently in a couple of sheets of absorbent paper. Place it inside a container and moisten the entire paper towel with water, ensuring it’s well-soaked but not saturated.

Wrap the container with transparent film, creating a mini greenhouse that maintains optimal temperature and humidity conditions for the seed. Position the container in a well-lit area, avoiding direct sunlight. In approximately ten days, you’ll witness the first shoots of your beautiful mango plant emerging. Enjoy the process of growing this tropical beauty at home!

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