Cherries, how to grow a plant in 7 days at no cost: all you need is the stone

This is why it is good to know how to make the plant grow within a few days without having to resort to a large expense. The best technique is to rely on the stone that is inside the cherry.

The first thing to do is therefore to get some cherries, possibly very ripe so as to increase the chances of finding suitable seeds inside them and ready to generate new seedlings.

How to recognize if a cherry is very ripe? Just look carefully at its color, which must be a beautiful intense red. Some types of cherries have this color even if they are not very ripe, but generally you shouldn’t go wrong with cherries characterized by this color.

To recover the stone found inside the cherry, simply eat the fruit and leave the stone , or cut the cherry with a knife. After extracting the stone it will be necessary to clean it, since there should no longer be any residue of pulp. Clearly, the more hazelnuts we manage to obtain, the greater the number of seedlings we will obtain.

At this point the next step is to sow the core . However, before seeing a seedling appear, we may have to wait even a few months. The goal is to speed things up.

It can be done with a very simple method, that is by creating a small crack or by depriving the embryo of the core of all the hard part that is around it. To break the nut and create a crack, just use a nutcracker.

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