How do I clean the entire oven from top to bottom with brandy vinegar?

Here’s how  to clean the entire oven from top to bottom with brandy vinegar  . In fact, thorough cleaning is   essential because the oven is a cooking appliance that is often very dirty  . After each cooking, fat and important incrustations accumulate  . To get clean again quickly, here’s how to use vinegar.

How do I clean the entire cooking chamber from top to bottom with vinegar?

The compartment is the most contaminated component due to the direct contact with the ingredients of our dishes. Here are the steps you must follow to do this:

Remove the internal grilles
In a container, mix a liter of water with half a glass of vinegar
Transfer the solution to a spray bottle
Spray the inside of the compartment, paying attention to any stains or crusts
Remove residue with a sponge and clean the oven at the same time

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