3 nurserymen’s tricks to take care of and water orchids in the summer and make them bloom again quickly without fertilizers

1. Immersive Hydration:

  • Immerse the orchid, along with its pot, in a basin of water for 15 minutes, allowing the plant to absorb the required moisture.
  • For extended periods or vacations, consider soaking the plant for approximately an hour.

2. Humidity Management with Expanded Clay:

  • Orchids thrive in higher humidity during the summer but detest overly wet roots. Add expanded clay to the soil to maintain a moist environment without compromising root health.

3. Smart Watering Practices:

  • Orchids need consistent watering, typically once a week. During intense heat and sultry conditions, increase watering frequency to twice a week.
  • Use room-temperature water to avoid causing thermal shock, which can harm stems, leaves, and flowers.
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